federal self-employed

The federal self-employed immigrants is a commercial immigration project launched by the Canadian government, which is mainly created for people engaged in the cultural, artistic and sports industries. Applicants need to have relevant experience in the sports industry, and have the willingness and ability to engage in self-employed work in the arts or sports field in Canada.

Definition: As the name implies, "self-employed" means to employ themselves. After coming to Canada, applicants for self-employed immigrants will not occupy employment opportunities in the Canadian labor market. Self-employed people can start their own businesses or invest in Canada, create jobs for themselves and make profits based on their personal abilities, and contribute to the development of the sports industry in Canada.

who CAN apply

1.Relevant experience for a self-employed person means at least two years of experience.

It must be during the period starting 5 years before the day you apply and ending on the day we make a decision on your application.

You can get more points if you have 3, 4, or 5 years of experience.

At a minimum, your experience must be:

· for cultural activities:

a. 2 one-year periods being self-employed in cultural activities, or

b. 2 one-year periods participating at a world-class level in cultural activities, or

c. a combination of a one-year period described in (a), and a one-year period described in (b)

· for athletics:

a. 2 one-year periods being self-employed in athletics, or

b. 2 one-year periods participating at a world class level in athletics, or

c. a combination of a one-year period described in (a) above, and a one-year period described in (b) above

2. The applicant is willing to start working in Canada as a self-employed person;

3. The applicant must pass the physical examination and no crime record;

4. The applicant shall score no less than 35 points (total 100) in the federal self-employed Selection criteria


·No work permit is required, apply PR directly

·One person applies and the whole family immigrates (can bring children under 22 years old)

·No investment, no business, no need to explain the source of funds


Administrators in libraries, archives, museums, art galleries, writers, editors, and newsletters of libraries, archives, museums, art galleries, translator

Director of film and television production, singing production, broadcasting technical director, artistic director, editor

Composer, lyricist, orchestra conductor, choir, orchestral player, singer, instrument player,music teacher, dancer, dance teacher

Actors, drama performance teachers, film and television drama commentators, painters, sculptors, silhouette artists, and artists

Photographers, cinematographers, photographers and operators, graphic arts technicians, broadcast technicians, audio and video recorders,film and television broadcasting and other performing arts technicians

Magician, puppet operator, fashion model, street art, troupe actor, acrobat

Art designer, electric game designer, multimedia product designer

Interior designers, decorative designers, space planners, creative designers of theatre fashion exhibitions and other items

(such as jewelry, shoes, grass, etc.)

Various craftsmen (such as musical instrument makers, flower arranging technicians, artists, customized furniture, embroidery, etc.)

Pattern design (such as canvas products, tea products, textiles, etc.), pattern making related staff

various athletes, coaches, referees, scorers, lecturers of entertainment sports fitness events

Electric sports: the 9th Asian Games will be held in the 11th and 5th Asian Games in 2021; They include: King's Glory, League of Heroes, Peace Elite, Legend of the Furnaces, Pagoda 2, Three Kingdoms of Dream 2, Street Fighter 5 and FIFA Online 4. In 2021, in the global final of League of Heroes S11 season, China's EDG team won the world championship in the club's history. These participants related to E-sports, including contestants, trainers, coaches, etc., are all suitable candidates for federal employees


Now the domestic media are flourishing.

Any person can engage in this business. If you open your mind to the media, make videos, film reports, etc., these industries do not have any awards, do not need to reach world-class popularity, but only obtain satisfactory employment experience, the video shooting crew can apply federal self-employed.

Selection criteria

Points for education: maximum 25 points



25 points

You have a Master’s Degree or Ph.D. and at least 17 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.

25 points

You have two or more university degrees at the bachelor’s level and at least 15 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.

22 points

You have a three-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship and at least 15 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.

22 points

You have a university degree of two years or more at the bachelor’s level and at least 14 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.

20 points

You have a two-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship and at least 14 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.

20 points

You have a one-year university degree at the bachelor’s level and at least 13 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.

15 points

You have a one-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship and at least 13 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.

15 points

You have a one-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship and at least 12 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.

12 points

You completed high school.

5 points

Points for experience: maximum 35 points

Relevant experience must have been obtained in the period that begins five years before you sign your application and ends when a decision is made on your application.

Two years of relevant experience


Three years of relevant experience


Four years of relevant experience


Five years of relevant experience


Points for age: maximum 10 points

You will be awarded selection points based on your age at the time when the visa office receives your application.



16 or under






















Points for language ability: maximum 24 points

Your proficiency in English or French is one of the 5 selection factors. You’ll be awarded up to 24 points for your basic, moderate or high proficiency in English and French. You’ll be given points based on your ability to:

· listen · speak · read and · write

If you have some proficiency in both English and French, decide which language you’re more comfortable using. This is your first official language. The other is your second official language.

You must prove the level of language proficiency you claim on your application if you wish to have your official language proficiency considered in the assessment of your application for permanent residence.  

Designated language testing agencies

You can arrange to take a language test from any of the following designated agencies.


· IELTS: International English Language Testing System

IELTS has 2 options for the reading and writing tests:

· General Training · Academic

You must take the General Training option.

· CELPIP: Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program

CELPIP has two tests:

· CELPIP-General (CELPIP-G) · CELPIP-Academic (CELPIP-A)

You must take the CELPIP-G test.


· TEF Canada: Test d’évaluation de français You must submit results from the following TEF Canada tests as proof of your French language proficiency:

· compréhension écrite · compréhension orale · expression écrite · expression orale · TCF Canada : Test de connaissance du français (French only)

You must submit results from these TCF Canada tests as proof of your French language skills:

· compréhension de l’écrit · compréhension de l’oral · expression écrite · expression orale

You can use language test results for up to two years after the date you take your test, but the test results must be valid when you submit your application.

Description of each level of proficiency Points for adaptability: maximum 6 points

A maximum of 6 points for adaptability can be earned by any combination of the following elements.

Proficiency Level






HIGH: You can communicate effectively in most social and work situations.

Speaking: High

Listening: High

Reading: High

Writing: High

MODERATE: You can communicate comfortably in familiar social and work situations.

Speaking: Moderate

Listening: Moderate

Reading: Moderate

Writing: Moderate

BASIC: You can communicate in predictable contexts and on familiar topics, but with some difficulty.

Speaking: Basic

Listening: Basic

Reading: Basic

Writing: Basic

NO: You do not meet the above criteria for basic proficiency.

Does not meet Basic Level

Does not meet Basic Level

Does not meet Basic Level

Does not meet Basic Level


Maximum 6


Spouse or common-law partner’s level of education

· Secondary school (high school) diploma or less: 0 points

· A one-year diploma, trade certificate, apprenticeship, or university degree and at least 12 years of full-time or full-time equivalent studies: 3 points

· A two or three-year diploma, trade certificate, apprenticeship, or university degree and at least 14 years of full-time or full-time equivalent studies: 4 points

· A master’s degree or PhD and at least 17 years of full-time or full-time equivalent studies: 5 points


Previous work in Canada

You or your accompanying spouse or common-law partner have completed a minimum of one year of full-time work in Canada on a valid work permit.


Previous study in Canada

You or your accompanying spouse or common-law partner have completed a program of full-time study of at least two years’ duration at a post-secondary institution in Canada. You must have done this after you were 17 years old and with a valid study permit.

There’s no need to have obtained a degree or diploma for these two years of study to earn these points.


Relatives in Canada

You or your accompanying spouse or common-law partner, have a relative (parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, child of a parent, sibling, child of a grandparent, aunt or uncle, or grandchild of a parent, niece or nephew) who is residing in Canada and is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.


Customer service
Telegram: Dongnan56 WhatsApp: +1 5879662656
Address: The Ampersand, West Tower 2100,144 4th Ave SW Calgary, AB T2P 3N4


+1 (587) 966-2656

Official Account